The landscape of Herdade do Esporão presents itself as a living picture, where something new blossoms up to be contemplated in every corner and every season. The discovery of nature and landscape can be done through three marked trails, with different degrees of difficulty.
- Ask for a map at the tourism reception
- Recommended time of year: All, but choose to do it early in the morning on hot days.
- Avoid doing it on rainy days. For your safety, plan your walk so that you return before nightfall.
- It is advisable to wear clothing and footwear that allows good mobility and is suitable for the time of year in which you are doing the route.
- Take with you: a hat, snacks (fruit, energy bars, and nuts), water (especially during the Summer), and sunscreen.
- In case of emergency contact: 112 (national emergency number)
- If you need assistance from the wine tourism team contact: (+351) 266 509 280 (wine tourism number, available between 10am and 6.30pm).
Very important: during the season of higher temperatures, and for preventive and safety reasons, it is expressly forbidden to smoke and make fire or any other type of combustion outdoors (even in a hole).
Number for assistance
(+351) 266 509 280
(available between 10 am and 6.30 pm) -
There's no need for a reservation. Just ask for a map at the tourism reception.
Contacts and Location
Phone number (between 10am and 6.30pm):
(+351) 266 509 280
Fax: 351 266 519 753GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: 38.380098
Longitude: -7.560724